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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween - Google Doodle Today

Happy Halloween - Google Doodle today.
 Gambar di atas masa mula-mula buka page
Gambar kat atas ni pulak buka sekadar gambar je ok.. cuba klik kat area yang dah aku bulatkan dan anak panah tu apa akan terjadi?.

Lain-lain info pasal Google Doodle Hari ni dalam #Oh my English ekekek..:
New Delhi: October 31 is celebrated as Halloween in a number of countries around the world and Google is celebrating the event taking users on a visit to a haunted house on many of its home pages.
The Google Happy Halloween doodle features a haunted mansion (numbered 13) with many spooky inhabitants, who double up as letters of the Google logo. The characters reveal themselves when you click on the doors of the haunted house. To add to the atmosphere there is also an eerie sound playing in the background. The faint hearted though can turn it off with a click of a mouse.
A blue one-eyed octopus stands for 'G' in the Google logo, a pair of red and yellow eyes behind the second door from the left are the two 'Os', the second 'G' is a veiled ghost. A clattering skeleton is the 'L' and a smiley face that turns into a monster represents the 'E'. An apparition also appears between the skeleton and the smiley monster.


happy halloween, google doodle, google today
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  1. tadi dah buka google.. tapi tak perasan plak,,,

  2. haahla, baru perasaan ada hantu2 jembalang kat google tu.. hehe,

  3. @miz ruha kena klik kat pintu2 tu dulu... kat kucing pon blh klik tgk dia lari lingtang pukang

  4. baca sini trus pi main tkan2 kat google.. ekekeke.... smart ah.. cm ne eh dorg buat..?

  5. tgh malam tadi sy klik semua pintu tmasuk burung gagak.. siap kuar bunyi lagi, hukk...

  6. google memang ada update2 terkini...peka betul :)

  7. ayie dulu x ambil berat sangat pasal Google Doodle today nih...tapi skrg setiap kali bukak google akan pastikn ada tak doodle google yg terbaru...

    bulan ogos hari tu doodle utk hari kemerdekaan malaysia pun ada...masa tu la ayie baru start minat...

  8. google mmg suka buat comel2 kan...hihi

  9. rindu nak tgok cita2 halloween kat tb. aaah nasib final ja xleh nak nikmat dunia skrg ni


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Item Reviewed: Happy Halloween - Google Doodle Today Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Potia Casadelarossa