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Saturday, June 23, 2012

Who was Alan Turing in a Google Doodle ?

Who was Alan Turing in a Google Doodle today?
Alan Turing

Turing at the time of his election to
Fellowship of the Royal Society.

Founder of computer science, mathematician, philosopher,
codebreaker, strange visionary and a gay man before his time: 

...a quite brilliant mathematician... whose unique contribution helped to turn the tide of war... horrifying that he was treated so inhumanely...

1912 (23 June): Birth, Paddington, London
1926-31: Sherborne School
1930: Death of friend Christopher Morcom
1931-34: Undergraduate at King's College, Cambridge University
1932-35: Quantum mechanics, probability, logic
1935: Elected fellow of King's College, Cambridge
1936: The Turing machine, computability, universal machine
1936-38: Princeton University. Ph.D. Logic, algebra, number theory
1938-39: Return to Cambridge. Introduced to German Enigma cipher machine
1939-40: The Bombe, machine for Enigma decryption
1939-42: Breaking of U-boat Enigma, saving battle of the Atlantic
1943-45: Chief Anglo-American crypto consultant. Electronic work.
1945: National Physical Laboratory, London
1946: Computer and software design leading the world.
1947-48: Programming, neural nets, and artificial intelligence
1948: Manchester University
1949: First serious mathematical use of a computer
1950: The Turing Test for machine intelligence
1951: Elected FRS. Non-linear theory of biological growth
1952: Arrested as a homosexual, loss of security clearance
1953-54: Unfinished work in biology and physics
1954 (7 June): Death (suicide) by cyanide poisoning, Wilmslow, Cheshire. 

More info get here Alan Turing in a Google doodle


Who Alan Turing, Google doodle, Google main page today.
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  1. @QPT im forgot that.. atually that is celebration for 100th Alan turing right? but im tired.. don't want edit anymore.. thanks for remaind

  2. nice man,, full inspiration.. :)

  3. baru ku tahu ini rupanya tokohnya.. info yg best untuk kaki sejarah macam aida. hehe

  4. bagus google neh...ada sje hari memperingati seseorang..bertambah ilmu sejarah :D

  5. bagus google neh...ada sje hari memperingati seseorang..bertambah ilmu sejarah :D


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